Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Detailed Character Analysis for Hally, Sam, and Willie Essay

Detailed Character Analysis for Hally, Sam, and Willie - Essay Example We learn about Willie through what Sam says to him concerning his dance partner: â€Å"You hit her too much. One day she’s going to leave you for good† (7). From this, we can gather that Willie does not like to admit his mistakes, as Sam had to draw the information out of him that Willie had beaten his dancing partner, Hilda. Willie also likes to blame others for his problems: â€Å"Before that I use to be happy. And is you and Miriam who bring me to Hilda and say here’s partner for you† (37). We can see that Willie can’t take responsibility for his own actions and takes his frustrations out on others, but we can see how he learned this type of response from the way he’s been treated and seeing how others around him react. Willie functions as a foil to Hally. We can see the same kind of reactions in Willie as we see in Hally. The difference is that Hally thinks of himself as superior to Willie when he really does the same things as that Willie does. This is one reason that Willie isn’t as well developed as the other two characters; he has served his function. We already have one main character that treats people poorly, but Willie functions as the character that highlights Hally’s hypocrisy, and so we don’t need to know that much else about Willie. As previously mentioned, the main portion of the play takes place in conversations between Sam and Hally. Hally is a young, white, school age boy that has picked up his attitudes towards Sam and Willie, the servants, from his parents. It extends further than just how he degrades them when he’s angry at them; it includes how he feels superior to them as revealed in his everyday speech with them: â€Å"Act your bloody age†¦Cut out the nonsense now and get on with your work. And you too, Sam. Stop fooling around† (13). Even though the boy is does not earn the best grades in school, he considers himself intellectually superior to Sam and feels the need to instruct him: â€Å"Tolstoy may

Monday, October 28, 2019

African Americans Essay Example for Free

African Americans Essay The African American journey has been one of trials and tribulations which they suffered greatly to achieve freedom and success. The battle has led the citizens of this nation to have witnessed the first African American President of the United States. The journey that has brought African Americans to the present situation has seen intermittent successes and numerous setbacks. Perseverance from many generations has brought about a gradual but progressive change. The journey begun in a state of slavery, through the act of slavery racism was seen in its rarest forms. The long journey emerged from African Americans being sold to white traders and transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were auctioned off and sold to the highest bidders. African Americans were considered personal property of the white man and viewed as economic commodity. Their strength and endurance was formed as a result of working in the fields and kitchens from sunrise to sunset. The slaves lived off of the bare necessities in life. This act of slavery existed for decades and helped to shape the course of American history. From slavery to the March on Washington and many other events, African Americans have fought for their rights in United States, and have achieved their identity through many historical movements. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution officially abolished slavery and freed the slaves to make a life for themselves as the Reconstruction Period. During the Reconstruction Era (1867) African Americans still suffered hardships under the leadership of Andrew Johnson who became president after Lincoln had got assassinated in 1865. Andrew Johnson had no intention of helping the African Americans he wanted to punish the slaveholders in the South. Andrew Jackson opposed giving African Americans the freedom to vote or equal rights. 1870 the 15th Amendment was ratified and became a law that specified African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 3 African American men had the right to vote. Voting was part of African Americans receiving civil liberties. The Civil Rights Movement and racial oppression were very significant moments in the American history. Exploitation was seen based on the color of one’s skin. Oppression was the way to keep the African American’s voice unheard. The dominant race manipulated America and shaped it according to the value of one race in society. Gaining equality was the essence of the struggle for African Americans in which white society pushed to prohibit African Americans from gaining any form of equality. Americans were uninformed and unaware of how corrupt the government officials were. During the historical journey of the African Americans the government failed to have all humans’ best interest in mind. The African American Journey Devastation of trials and tribulations were prevalent among the African Americans before 1865. The Civil War put a new twist on how society tuned into a racist world. Racism was very powerful and demanding during this period in life. Racism still prevails in the present tense only in more subtle ways. Before 1865 issues with slavery depicted lynching, segregation, low wages for job performances and derogatory defamation of character within a race due to skin pigmentation. Slavery and degradation never killed the desire of freedom and a promising future for African Americans. This was one of the foremost occurrences of hatred and dehumanizing of man because of the color of their skin. This exemplified the state of condition the African Americans were placed and recognized that another race was superior or had power over another race. African Americans were considered powerless over their own lives. The Emancipation African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 4 Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment were passed by a strong leader named Abraham Lincoln, which declared all of America’s slaves were free by 1865. In 1865, African Americans were finally feeling like human beings and not like property that endured brutality, harsh whippings, no rights as humans and cruel punishment. The passing of various civil liberty movements’, education, employment and voting privileges improved. Fox (2014) stated that southern blacks were impatient in seeking voting privileges. The U. S. Constitution gave all blacks a nominal right to vote, but southern blacks were often blocked at the polls, and racial apartheid was the foundation of a rigid caste system. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendment abolished slavery and Americans were making strides to work things out. After the release of slaves the black codes of law were passed laws, statues, and rules enacted by southern states after the Civil War to gain control over the slaves again and protect the white man’s property from retaliation. The slave owners were worried that they had to do the Plantation work themselves after the slaves were freed, and blacks would want revenge on them because of the hardships of oppression over hundreds of years. Progression of African Americans throughout the 18th and 19th centuries was a struggle. The relationships between blacks and whites were, frustrating and intense, primarily because the concept of reigning in superior positions over African Americans lives in respect to finances, social activities, cultural values or political affiliations has not changed significantly. African Americans fought for equal opportunity and their rights as a human race. They struggled to fit in with society. Despite the developments and changes, many fiscal and visual (how they were perceived) characteristics of African Americans at the end of the nineteenth century did not African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 5 differ from that of the mid-1800s. 1865-1876 was considered a time of change for African Americans but racism continued to cause much pain and despair for African Americans. Two significant events that surfaced to support the emergence of African Americans was the Harlem Renaissance Movement (1920) and the Civil Rights Movement. The Harlem Renaissance contributed to the talents and cultural beliefs of African Americans. They were able to bring perspective and pride to their lives. Harlem Renaissance was defined as: The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. Many had come from the South, fleeing its oppressive caste system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). African Americans felt they were able to make specific contributions to society and start communicating their feelings, beliefs and values to others. The Harlem Renaissance Movement brought different racial groups together in appreciation of the music and poetry but did not have much success in breaking the racial divide between the races that were expressed in the Jim Crow excerpts. â€Å"The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem speakeasies, where interracial couples danced. It contributed to a certain relaxation of racial attitudes among young whites, but its greatest impact was to reinforce race pride among blacks† (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). The 1964 Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans the right to take a stand against racism. Racial discrimination was a major problem that caused havoc in the lives of African Americans. Several events emerged from the Civil Rights African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 6 movement that made a significant impact on the lives of African Americans- the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Black Power Movement. The events above promoted a means of outlawing racial discrimination. Segregation was protested through political and social protest rallies and campaigns. The Black Power Movement gave African Americans a voice to be heard. Political and religious reasons were heard as their voices resonated throughout society. â€Å"The African American movement gained political legitimacy because it politicized the grievances of collective memory and appealed to a common ancestry to regain for this people cultural, political, and economic rights by rejecting subordination and White cultural supremacy or hegemony† (Jalata, 2002, p. 1). Before the Civil Rights Movement America was considered in the realms of practicing apartheid. All African Americans were humiliated, denied their civil rights and liberties, dehumanized and suffered tremendous hardships. Several movements initiated progress for African Americans. They were finally gaining their rights to live as human beings and become a part of society. â€Å"But the awkward truth is that when it comes to the goals laid down by the civil rights movement in general and Brown in particular, America is actually going backward† (Younge, 2014, p. 10). A school in Little Rock marked a turn in events for African Americans. This was in 1957 when the governor issued an order to the National Guard troops to stop the nine black children from entering the school. The order was denied and a mob of white students intimidated the black students. Federal soldiers escorted the black students into the school and were protected by the armed guards. The governor, African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 7 Faubus, closed all of the city’s schools to prevent integration. The African Americans prevailed regardless of the circumstances. According to Pearson Education (2000) other events that marked a period of setbacks and progression in the lives of African Americans are: †¢1931 NINE BLACK YOUTHS ARE INDICTED IN SCOTTSBORO, ALA. , ON CHARGES OF HAVING raped two white women. †¢1947 JACKIE ROBINSON BREAKS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLS COLOR BARRIER WHEN HE IS signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers by Branch Rickey. †¢1952 MALCOLM X BECOMES A MINISTER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM. OVER THE NEXT several years his influence increases until he is one of the two most powerful members of the Black Muslims. †¢1963 MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS ARRESTED FOR MARCHING AGAINST ANTI-SEGREGATION. †¢1966 THE BLACK PANTHERS WAS FOUNDED. †¢1967 THURGOOD MARSHALL WAS APPOINTED TO THE SUPREME COURT. †¢2002 HALLE BERRY AND DENZEL WASHINGTON RECEIVED OSCARS FOR BEST ACTORS. †¢1992 RACIAL RIOTS ARE SEEN IN LOS ANGELES AFTER ACQUITTING FOUR WHITE BOYS FOR beating Rodney King. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 8 †¢2005 CONDOLEEZZA RICE BECOMES THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE U. S. SECRETARY OF STATE. †¢2009 BARACK OBAMA BECAME THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Many problems that exist today seem to be repeating themselves. America seems to be making an upturn and the ugly faces of racism are reappearing. Younge (2014) stated that schools are re-segregating, legislation is being gutted, it’s getting harder to vote, large numbers are being deprived of their basic rights through incarceration, and the economic disparities between black and white are growing. In many areas, America is becoming more separate and less equal. Overcoming hurdles was nothing new to Obama and Colin Powell. Both men achieved success in American society. Obama became the first black president and Colin Powell became Secretary of State and served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States and that is considered a very important step forward in this country. His administration has been one of struggle and plight to succeed because of the turmoil going on in the nation. Obama has succeeded in great ways without the support of many Republicans in the house. Asked So, how has being Black affected your ability to govern? , Obama replied in part: By virtue of being African-American, Im attuned to how throughout this countrys history there have been times when folks have been locked out of opportunity, and because of the hard work of people of all races† (Cooper, 2012, p. 11). Obama has been successful in making equal opportunity a solution to African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 9 many problems. He has slowly opened the doors to more people and made equal opportunity happen through vigilance and determination. A great historical event occurred when Obama was elected as President. This surprised many Americans in the world. This symbolized a step forward towards racial equality in the history of African Americans. This election captured several important turn of events that said we have made great accomplishments. This completed the Civil Rights Movement and what it stood for, an emergence of a post-racial society, the elimination of multiculturalism and the possibility of ending the black struggle. There were several activist that would not have concluded that the black struggle has ended. Those people were Marcus Garvey, Ella Baker and Huey P. Newton. Their beliefs were based on specific facts that unifying scattered people of African descent, inspiring racial pride, and ultimately creating a separate, independent country should be the goals of racial uplift. Garvey thought black people were oppressed and divided as a race. Because they were ‘scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part’ in numerous nations they were dependent upon the other races for kindness and sympathy. Many people have struggled to explain the plight of the African American race but the journey was one of hardship, courage and endurance that built character. The African American race has come a long way from cruelty and hardship inflicted during the 1800’s. The journey encompassed freedom, voting rights, civil liberties and equality. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 10 References Blackpast. org. (2007). African American history timeline 1901-2000. Retrieved from http://www. blackpast. org/timelines/african-american-history-timeline-1900-2000 Cooper, K. J. (2012). The Presidents Report Card. Crisis (15591573), 119(4), 6. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com.proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=f5hAN=88314705site=eds-live Educational Broadcasting Corporation (2002). The Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_harlem. html Fox Piven, F. (2014). 50 and FIGHTING. Planning, 80(6), 10. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=f5hAN=96548704site=eds-live Jalata, A. (2002). Revisiting the black struggle: Lessons for the 21st century. Journal of Black Studies, 33(1). Retrieved from African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 11 http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=edbAN=7268500site=eds-live Kirk, J. (2009). THE LONG ROAD TO EQUALITY. History Today, 59(2), 52-58. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=aphAN=36590274site=eds-live Pearson Education. (2000). African American history timeline. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html Younge, G. (2014). The Awkward Truth about Race. Nation, 298(24), 10-11. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=aphAN=96204081site=eds-live.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Does Phyllis Wheatley use religious references to warn her readers abou

Does Phyllis Wheatley use religious references to warn her readers about slavery and sin and its repercussions?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the poem, â€Å"To the University of Cambridge, in New England†, Phyllis Wheatley suggest that she accepted the colonial idea of slavery, by first describing her captivity, even though this poem has a subversive double meaning that has sent an anti-slavery message. Wheatley’s choice of words indicates that her directed audience was educated at a sophisticated level because of the language chosen. Her audience was assumingly also familiar with the bible because of the religious references used. The bible was used as a reference because of its accessibility. Wheatley uses religious references to subversively warn her readers about slavery and its repercussions and to challenge her reader’s morals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the poem starts out, Wheatley describes being taken from her â€Å"native shore† to â€Å"the land of errors.† Her native shore was the western coast of Africa, and she was taken to the â€Å"land of errors† which represents America. America is seen in her eyes as the land of errors because of slavery. Wheatley is acknowledging right off the bat that slavery is wrong. Wheatley then goes on and references the â€Å"Egyptian gloom† which is italicized. The italicization forces the readers to focus and reflect on â€Å"Egyptian† and it’s possible Smith-Joseph 2 meaning. The â€Å"Egyptian gloom† symbolizes Egypt and one of the most famou...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is an Hypothesis?

I believe my hypothesis needs to be strengthened to be better than its rivals. When utilizing the chart on page 64 of our text I do find several areas for improvement. After going through the checklist I believe that a better hypothesis would be made after an Minimal analysis of the percentage of late payments and the minimum credit scores. A hypothesis could then be created that is more specific and testable as well as analyzed against other statistics such as the percentage of late payments for a higher, specified credit score.If research shows 70% of customers that have late payments have a credit score below 600 a stronger hypothesis would state: If the local car dealership that offers In house flagging requires a credit score higher than 600 for approved financing the percentage of late payments they receive will be less than 70%. Adequacy for its purpose I *Does the hypothesis reveal the original problem condition? I Yes, the problem is a large amount of accounts that are past due. I *Does the hypothesis clearly Identify facts that are relevant I It clearly states facts grading financing approval but does not I and those that are not?I Include any other facts. Relevant or not. I I *Does the hypothesis clearly state the condition, size, or I It only states that lenient profiles are used, this should be I distribution of some variable in terms of values meaningful I made stronger by listing a specific minimum credit score I to the research problem? I required. I *Does the hypothesis explain facts that gave rise to the need I Yes, late accounts require explanation and analysis to I for explanation? I continue to operate the equines at a profitable level.I I *Does the hypothesis suggest which form of research I Yes, a causal-predictive study would be appropriate. I design is likely to be most appropriate? I Raising the minimum credit requirement to determine if late I I payments decrease would be appropriate. I *Does the hypothesis provide a framework for org anizing I Yes, the hypothesis indicates that statistics should be I the conclusions that result? I analyzed and shown by credit scores and late payments. I Testable I *Does the hypothesis use acceptable techniques? I Yes, the hypothesis Is late payments.I *Does the hypothesis require an explanation that is plausible I Yes, a plausible explanation would utilize financial applications. I given known physical or psychological laws? I I *Does the hypothesis reveal consequences or derivatives that I The consequence is stated and does not need to be deduced. I can be deduced for testing purposes? I I *Is the hypothesis simple, requiring few conditions or I Yes, no assumptions are required. I assumptions? Better than its rivals *Does the hypothesis explain more facts than its rivals?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bohol, in the Eyes of a First-Time Beholder Essay

Perched on a very young palm tree, the tarsier fidgeted as I aimed my camera on its direction. It was only a few centimeters away, so easy to touch and yet I reminded myself to avoid the temptation. I read in an article how traumatizing it can be for these velvety creatures to be held, that they would hurt themselves to death after being â€Å"violated† by curious tourists who are never content with taking pictures. So imagine my surprise when it landed very near me to catch the cricket hiding behind the leaves. Without even thinking, I brushed my fingers on its brown fur in what seemed to be a second or two; it didn’t flinch, but the click of the camera (there was no flash since it was daytime) alerted it, and it darted back to its highest hiding place in the palm tree. Like that unlikely encounter with the tarsier, my trip to Bohol was something worthy to remember. Thanks to the invitation of a friend, poet and journalist Michael Ortega Ligalig, my memory of Bohol was not limited to beaches, Chocolate Hills, and yes, tarsiers. But there is no denying that Bohol is teeming with natural and man-made assets. If you are artsy and into culture, Bohol can offer you a lot with its cultural and historical riches. If you are into nature and adventure, there are surprises that the island can offer. Churches and Heritage Houses For somebody like me who is fascinated with old things and history, Bohol is like a gold mine with its old churches and heritage houses. Almost all of the 47 towns have old, massive, stone churches that have survived natural ravages, wars and even climate change. I asked to be brought to some of the most fascinating ones, like the Baclayon and Loboc churches. The Church of the Immaculate Conception or the Baclayon Church is one of the country’s oldest churches. First built in 1595, the Jesuit frailes built the Neoclassic structure piece by piece using adobe and coral that were joined together by adhesive made from egg whites (imagine all the chicken eggs used to build such a magnificent structure!). From the front door, one could see the marble tombstones that were embedded on the walls and pylons, the names of the dead intricately written in Spanish. The retablo or the church altar was also an imposing piece of art, though we were unable to see the church’s pipe organ. It also has a museum similar to that of San Agustin in Intramuros. The fee is not very expensive, but cameras are not allowed. Still, one can take pictures of the saints on the ground floor joining the museum and the church, where they kept a coterie of human-size religious images or statues. St. Peter Parish Church or Loboc Church is the second oldest church in Bohol. Originally built in 1602, a stronger one was built in 1638. Located near the famous Loboc River cruise, it has survived a number of floods. Inside the church, murals depicting religious events can be found on the dome right on top of the main altar. A Spanish coat-of-arms can be found near the entrance of the convent which today houses the Museo de Loboc. This museum houses a few religious images and artifacts, like registry books from the 1800s and choir books. There is also a magnificent bell tower adjacent the church. One can also find a bridge that was never completed; it would have joined the two parts of the town separated by the river, but it would mean demolishing part of the church. It is also the home of the famous Loboc Children’s Choir. There are also plenty of heritage houses all over Bohol, particularly in Baclayon and Dauis. Owned mostly by merchant families and old political clans, its interiors are characterized by wide and thick wooden floor planks and wide stairways with wooden balusters. The interiors often feature wooden sala and table sets, cabinets and dressers and rocking chairs, while the walls often hold portraits of its departed residents. Some of the houses include the ancestral houses of the Clarin, Villamor, Malon, Luza, Sofia and Abueva, and some of them actually accommodate tourists for a bed-and-breakfast experience. Beaches and Diving Bohol is getting its fair share of tourism fame with its pristine white sand beaches, the most famous of which is Panglao Island and Dauis, although there are plenty of other beaches minus the flock of tourists and expensive. The most famous is Alona Beach, an 800-meter stretch of white powdery sand located south of Panglao Island. Many full-service beach and dive resorts reside there. The sea around Pamilacan Island is frequented by whales and dolphins, as it is also a favored breeding and feeding site of tuna, snappers, groupers, mackerel and surgeonfish, making it a perfect spot for those who want to see the teeming natural fish population at work. There are a number of diving spots that offer priceless views of the sea beneath. Balicasag is known for its rare, beautiful seashells and its beds of corals are considered one of the best dive spots in the country. On the other hand, Danajon Bank is the only double barrier reef in the Philippines and is one of only three such sites in the Asia-Pacific region, spread across almost 130 kilometers of seabed and consist of three large reefs. Flora and Fauna Because of its geographical features, Bohol’s endemic flora and fauna makes it a hot spot for nature lovers. The Philippine Tarsier Sanctuary in Corella town is a 134-hectare land that has been set aside as a protected area for its most celebrated creature considered the world’s smallest primate. However, there are many mini-â€Å"tarsier zoos† that are maintained by resorts. These resorts or mini-zoos often put these tarsiers in small cages and crowded, considering the wild nature of these animals. While my friend assured me that these resorts have â€Å"adoption certificates† from the local environmental offices, I still find it disturbing to find these magnificent creatures caged like birds. In the town of Albuquerque, there is a mini-zoo that claims to hold the biggest python in captivity ever known. Its name is Prony, approximately almost 30 feet and an estimated weight of about 300 kilograms. They also have a variety of birds species like parakeets, pigeons and other avians. However, a star attraction would be the entertainer which we humorously call â€Å"Kakambal ni Prony.† Clad in shiny gaudy costumes, she would dance near the snake’s spectators. We were also fortunate to visit the Mahogany Man-Made Forest in the town of Bilar, a two-kilometer stretch of densely planted mahogany trees located in the border of Loboc and Bilar. River Cruises The ultimate part of our trip would be the scenic Loboc River Cruise. We took the nighttime cruise as my friend advised because of the lamps that would light up as our boat would pass by. The boat fee includes a buffet meal that included seafood, meat and desserts. As the boat commenced its trip, a man with his electric guitar started to sing, his repertoire including American hits from the seventies. My companions and I found the lineup rather distracting as he started with Don McLean’s Vincent then to assorted songs from Bread and Air Supply. However, as the colored lamp posts began glowing from the sides, we were already transfixed and astonished. We briefly stopped on a floating raft that has a big group of singers belting their original songs. We all got off and started clapping. I interviewed some of the children and the adults who actually make a living from the song and dance number, and it ended with them selling their very own musical CD to the tourists. The visit to Bohol was short and partly fulfilling. I am decided to pursue this island more and look forward to seeing more of its assets very, very soon.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Saint Teresa Vision essays

Saint Teresa Vision essays Saint Teresa Vision brings the reader to a new world of beliefs. It is amazing how well she describes her visions. Teresa claims she had many other visions of angels but never paid to much attention to them. Saint Teresa felt she would see an angel perfectly showing her a sign of God. One day, she saw an angel describing, him being short, beautiful and his face so aflame that appear to be all afire. He also had a long golden spear that would stab her chest later on. Teresa never knew the name of the angels that appeared to her, but she could tell angels never had a similarity between each other. Saint Teresa also claims angel had a spear with a fire on the tip. The tip of the spear went through her innards. When the spear drawed out, she thought her innards would come out but instead she was left with the love of God. The pain was not so painful it just made her groan several times. Teresa didnt mind the paid at all; she was grateful of the experience she received from God. Saint Teresa Vision reflects the time in which it was produced since it was time of learning from painting and religion. At that time Catholicism was strong, and Saint Teresa Vision made an impact to citizens. I feel the paint belongs at time that it was done. Saint Teresa Paint is done with details like the angel with spear, his face looking straight down to Teresa. Teresa facial expression is showing pain when spear went through her innards. Saint Teresas Vision probably changed many persons perspectives towards miracles. Many people did not believe in angels or in miracles of God but probably her experience might have change people point of view. Teresa proved that miracles of God do existed, if you are a true believer. Saint Teresas vision does compare with our modern world today. Many people around world has experience other type of miracles, for example, having the image of Virgin Mary in a Window or wat ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How successful is Susan Hill in dramatising Kingshaw essays

How successful is Susan Hill in dramatising Kingshaw essays Phobias are irrational fears of something, for example spiders or heights. They are hard to get rid of and habitual. They are deep seated and often with psychological roots, such as a disturbing experience. Phobias preoccupy, haunt and disturb you. A phobia, or an illogical fear, affects your mind, playing upon it and misrepresenting your perception of the world. You see your fear everywhere and in everything. You cannot hide from it. Physical challenges are not usually correlated to psychosomatic problems. People such as Kingshaw in "I'm The King Of The Castle" can have horrendous phobias and fears in their minds, and yet still be able to surmount physical confrontations, such as ascending the castle wall or entering the feared wood feats accomplished by Kingshaw. Kingshaw can execute these challenges, and succeed in them, but then he is unproductive in overcoming his fear of Hooper, or break down the communication block between his mother and himself, which she does everything to maintain. Anyone can have a phobia, but there are some people who are more likely to be victims than others. Vulnerability and neglect play great roles in the occurrence of a phobia, as does insecurity. Those of us who are vulnerable, psychologically and physically, are more likely to have a phobia than those who fear nothing and have the ability to protect themselves from anything the world presents them with. They often have enough confidence physical appearances and abilities are part of this to fight a phobia, and prevent it from disabling their life. Those who are mistreated, or have experienced disregard, may be overcome with vulnerability, or a fear of being alone. Insecurities can lead to phobias just because they make the person weaker spiritually, emotionally and psychologically. If you have insecurities you cannot get the bettor of, then it is less likely you will be able to push a phobia or irrational fear from your mind. One of th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War

Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War The United States went to war with Mexico in 1846. The war lasted for two years. By the end of the war, Mexico would lose almost half its territory to the US, including lands from Texas to California. The war was a key event in American History as it fulfilled its manifest destiny, encompassing land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.   The Idea of Manifest Destiny In the 1840s, America was struck with the idea of manifest destiny: the belief that the country should span from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Two areas stood in Americas way of achieving this: the Oregon Territory which was occupied by both Great Britain and the US and western and southwestern lands which were owned by Mexico. Presidential candidate James K. Polk fully embraced manifest destiny, even running on the campaign slogan 5440 or Fight, referring to the northern latitude line to which he believed the American portion of the Oregon Territory should span. By 1846, the Oregon issue was settled with America. Great Britain agreed to set the border at the 49th parallel, a line that still stands today as the border between the US and Canada. However, the Mexican lands were considerably harder to attain. In 1845, the US had admitted Texas as a slave state after it had achieved independence from Mexico in 1836. While the Texans believed that their southern border should be at the Rio Grande River, Mexico claimed it should be at the Nueces River, further north. Texas Border Dispute Turns Violent Early in 1846, President Polk sent General Zachary Taylor and American troops to protect the disputed area between the two rivers. On April 25, 1846, a Mexican cavalry unit of 2000 men crossed the Rio Grande and ambushed an American unit of 70 men led by Captain Seth Thornton. Sixteen men were killed, and five were injured. Fifty men were taken prisoner. Polk took this as an opportunity to ask Congress to declare war against Mexico. As he stated, But now, after reiterated menaces, Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil. She has proclaimed that hostilities have commenced and that the two nations are now at war. Two days later, on May 13, 1846, Congress declared war. However, many questioned the necessity of the war, especially northerners who feared an increase in the power of slave states. Abraham Lincoln, then the representative from Illinois, became a vocal critic of the war and argued that it was unnecessary and unwarranted. War With Mexico In May 1846, General Taylor defended the Rio Grande and then led his troops from there to Monterrey, Mexico. He was able to capture this key city in September 1846. He was then told to hold his position with only 5,000 men while General Winfield Scott would lead an attack on Mexico City. Mexican General Santa Anna took advantage of this, and on February 23, 1847, near the Buena Vista Ranch met Taylor in battle with approximately 20,000 troops. After two fierce days of fighting, Santa Annas troops retreated. On March 9, 1847, General Winfield Scott landed at Veracruz, Mexico leading troops to invade southern Mexico. By September 1847, Mexico City fell to Scott and his troops. Meanwhile, starting in August 1846, General Stephen Kearnys troops were ordered to occupy New Mexico. He was able to take the territory without a fight. Upon his victory, his troops were divided in two so that some went to occupy California while others went to Mexico. In the meantime, Americans living in California revolted in what was called the Bear Flag Revolt. They claimed independence from Mexico and called themselves the California Republic. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Mexican War officially ended on February 2, 1848, when America and Mexico agreed to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. With this treaty, Mexico recognized Texas as independent and the Rio Grande as its southern border. In addition, through the Mexican Cession, America required land that included parts of present-day Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. Americas manifest destiny would be complete when in 1853, it completed the Gadsden Purchase for $10 million, an area that includes parts of New Mexico and Arizona. They were planning to use this area to complete the transcontinental railroad.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information System in Public Sector Organizations Essay

Information System in Public Sector Organizations - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that with the emergence of modern information technology, firms and government agencies no longer need to take place in the hierarchy. Contrary to the bureaucracies in the past that adopted command and control as well as the inadequate distribution of information, innovation in information technology has made firms and governments to effectively organize what can be done during their day to day operations. Within the public sector organizations, information technology was primarily adopted to automate existing operations and to increase the speed of communication. E-government has therefore positively impacted on the performance of the organizations. This meant that the paperwork and people were replaced by electrons. Before the introduction of internet and extensive use of personal computers, the major objective of technology use in government was enhancing the management effectiveness of the administrators while at the same time increasing the government productivity. With the diffusion of personal computers in the 1980s, public administrators were provided with personal information technology system, leading to a new period of IT use in government systems. On the other hand, learning as a process has positively impacted on the knowledge management. Through learning within the public organizations, knowledge has gained sufficient momentum. Despite the positive implications of e-government and learning, public sector organizations are faced with quite a number of challenges. This paper seeks to discuss the challenges of the implementation of information system in public sector organizations, using the concepts of e-government and learning in theory and in practice. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) were noted to have a strong impact on the way the public administrators performed their duties. For instance, ICT assisted in service and information delivery, the creation of a networked structure for interc onnectivity, effectiveness and efficiency interactivity, decentralization, and accountability among other aspects. E-government entails utilization of internet and the World-Wide-Web to deliver government information and services to citizens.

Hispanic Community Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hispanic Community - Personal Statement Example As far as I am concerned, if they cannot speak my language, then they are not in the right place. Countless who are connected inside the immigration arguments presupposes that there have been two sets of people inside this realm, immigrates along with non-immigrants. Their point of views draws a profound dark line amidst citizens, marking a characteristic where, in reality, does not subsist. Most members of our community looks like me. However, within my area more and more Mexicans, Muslims and Africans are moving in. Where as most of us would know, these people are very much different from what I look like, physically, mentally, even emotionally. On the other hand, for the longest time that they have been dealing with people who are locals in my community, they may have adopted already our way of life. As you may observe the majority of citizens within our town is White. Hispanics are the principal minority and their population is growing rapidly. With these figures of races, our town does not require to cope with a lot of prejudice or even discrimination. Since the composition of the (city) marginal population progresses, the quantity of immigrants existing here has sustained its quick increase in current years. The colored populations are made up of about 7.4% inside Rock Island County's inhabitants during the year 2000. Local administration administrators said that they anticipate the integer of Hispanics living within the Quad-Cities to practically increase twofold within the following 15 years, revealing a national drift. The greater part of the Hispanic folks repositioning towards the (city) hailed from Mexico, visioning of an enhanced life which can probably be afforded within their native soil.I think leaders within my community are giving special attention towards immigrants. Just like Ms. Camarillo-Martinez she said that she anticipates Hispanic depiction taking place on the Moline City Council as well as municipality boards to boost. Before now, numerous committees impart reports towards the council. Ms. Camarillo-Martinez said, "The connection among the government along with the Hispanic society is really nice.''Despite the fact that programs were present following World War II which permitted Mexican migr to be employed inside the United States of America on a provisional basis, thousands and thousands of Mexicans unrelenting to locate their way towards North of the boundary without records. During 1986, an official pardon program granted documentation for about 2.5 million Mexicans employed inside the U.S.I can see that people inside my community treat each and everyone with respect, may it be a local or an immigrant. I think that everyone must be in this manner so that cruelty and unkindness within the community would be lessen or may possibly be taken out permanently. I am a (type of race). Accordingly, within the United Kingdom, (type of race) are more apt than inside the United States to illustrate citizens from the Caucasus, even though it could still be exercised as a racial arrangement. Physically we (type of race) have (light skin also with our eyes; we have slim noses, along with lean lips) - your description. Some of us usually have wavy or straight hair.The local media embodies citizens like me, through televisions, newspapers, radios, etc. Just like in this newspaper, stating that why must a scheme which will recompense its staff poverty income receive subventions and special

Friday, October 18, 2019

Changes in Firm's Capital Structure add Shareholder Value Research Paper

Changes in Firm's Capital Structure add Shareholder Value - Research Paper Example The higher the level of debt the higher the level of risk. But nevertheless the higher the level of risk the higher the possible returns on a given level of investment. Shareholder value comes from the demand for and supply of company shares. If the management of the company were to decide in favor of more equity issues, then depending on the demand for the company shares the company value would rise or fall. With that, the shareholder value also would rise or fall. A risk is inevitably associated with the value of the firm viz. managers or agents always prefer a higher level of debt because it increases the value of the firm or its assets. Indeed the risk also increases though from the viewpoint of the manager it’s irrelevant because equity issues would glut the market with company shares and bring down the value of the company. As a result, the existing shareholders cannot be happier. They would get a windfall if they sold their shares now. Similarly when more debt is issued the company becomes entitled to more tax benefits. That, in turn, increases the value of the firm and thereby the shareholder value. The capital market structure of the firm can be examined with reference to a number of theories. The Modigliani-Miller Theorem is the earliest of such theories to consider the relevance of capital structure to determine the value of a firm. In recent times these theoretical constructs have been developed in line with an ever increasing tendency to consider the leverage issue of the company. Leveraging by managers to achieve exclusive personal goals is nothing new. In fact, it’s the conflict of interests between the principals or owners (or shareholders) and the agents (or managers) that have thrust the issue of leverage to the fore. In other words, the complex issues revolving around the capital structure of the firm are basically influenced by this conflict in which managers tend to have more information about the probable outcomes of future investments.

Feudalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Feudalism - Assignment Example According to Nathan (2001 p. 3), it also had a highly trained military force (warriors) who were very expensive to maintain. On the other hand, the origin of feudalism can be linked with the expansion of the Roman Empire. It is believed that during the expansion, the Empire decentralized its reign and allocated land, power and authority to a group of people in exchange of military and slave services. Economic system According to Karl Marx, agriculture was the main pillar of economic development of feudalism. During the 12th century, most of the land was owned by dioceses, senior people and monasteries making the feudal system to be a way of ruling and communicating to the whole population. The land owners (landlords) gave out land as gifts to the less fortunate class people to cultivate. They peasants were supposed to cultivate it and give a certain amount of their harvest to the landlords in exchange of economic benefits, military services and of course public services. Just like the economic system, the social system of feudalism was hierarchical too. Every person had his or her own allegiance any person who was higher than him or her. The highest man was the King, followed by the lord (owner of the land also known as â€Å"Vassal† and â€Å"Caballero† in Spanish), Barons, knights and lastly the peasants. In order to maintain control, law, order and power, the medieval King was the one ranked highest who was above everything else and a warrior (Burn 1994 p. 234) The king owned a vast land which he gave out to any person who wanted to be part of his army as compensation; and that was the only way he could maintain a retinue of knights. Lands ownership laws were invoked again and again in order to reclaim property for the purpose recruitment of soldiers. Actually, the loyalty was basically a slavery type since the vassals knew they could not free themselves from his lord (Burn 1994 p. 251). The role of women: Feudalism did not consider women

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Uae Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Uae - Assignment Example A service industry comprises of various companies which basically earn income by providing intangible services and products. They are involved in transport, food services, retail, distribution and other service-dominated enterprises. At times, they are called tertiary sectors or service sectors. Strengths Economic strengths The steady oil prices in the country has boosted transport sector to highest levels. Most of the economy revenue comes from the oil industries. For the past few years, according to the country’s statistics, the world market has remained stable favoring service mobility. Transport industry has benefited most from this global market. As a result of this, non-oil sectors have been stimulated thus escalating the disposal revenue of the less performing segments of the entire population. Generally, the country produces up to 22 million barrels of crude oil for export daily. This boosts the country’s economy (Gorgenlnder, 2011). The country also has steady and convertible currency which is pegged to the US dollar with minimal foreign exchange controls. This facilitates easy movement of services from one part to the other. If the global financial crises arise, it has survival tactics to make it productive in the market. Furthermore, UAE has been known for very competitive labour costs and real estates. The country has experienced and readily available work force that provide cheap and quality labor. Most of the work is done by these locals thus low cost of productions. The country’s permissive policies and healthy balance of payments allow free trade movements within and without the country. This allows free flow of services/goods thus boosting the economy (Group, 2008). Geographical strengths The country is strategically located at the Middle East, with very easy contact to not only to Eastern and Middle Eastern markets, but also to South Asia, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and other markets in the Asian countries. This impl ies that there are ready markets for the manufactured goods and services. Furthermore, the country has well established ports that can access to main sea routes. Most of the trading countries use these ports for exit and entry in transacting businesses. This has made the country to be seen as a pacesetter and a regional leader for development. Commercial strengths According to Gorgenlnder (2011) and Group (2008), the country has open trade zones favorable for business start-ups. Most of the enterprising people can easily nature their talents and explore market opportunities easily. Interestingly, the country has no corporate and personal taxation. Any business start-up has no personal/corporate intimidation in form of taxes. More often than not, most businesses fail due to high taxation and unfavorable work environment. This favor has been extended to other countries; there is no taxation for information exchange. Infrastructural strengths UAE has sophisticated and ultramodern banki ng sectors that provide various services for its rich expatriate clientele. Most financial institutions are furnished with modern facilities which accommodate the needs of the clients. In fact, the banking sector has been privatized to enable quality delivery of services. Also, the country is equipped with IT infrastructure and

Listening in Communication Process Research Paper

Listening in Communication Process - Research Paper Example These include a situation where the listener is always smiling and nodding their head. Other features could include the listener looking directly at the speaker pretending to be keenly listening. 8 Monopolizing 9 This is the type of non-listening where the listener focuses the listening on themselves but not on the speaker. It is a very selfish form of listening where the listener occasionally tries to divert the topic of discussion to themselves 9 Selective listening 9 This involves the user selecting only a small portion of the topic of discussion. This happens because the listener cannot take in everything said. So they use this type of listening as a tool to filter out some parts of the conversation. 9 Defensive listening 9 This occurs when a person perceives a personal attack on them without intent of criticizing them. For example if someone tells somebody that they have lost weight, they may think that they are being insulted that they are fat but fact will be it was only meant to compliment them. 9 Literal listening 9 This involves the listener becoming insensitive to other peoples’ feelings. This is a type of ineffective listening where the listener ignores the relationship level of the meaning. ... (2011). Essential skills: Essential speaking and listening skills. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 14 Antos, G. (2011). Handbook of interpersonal communication. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton De Gruyter. 14 Burstein, J. (2010). Have you heard?: Active listening. New York, NY: Crabtree Publishing. 15 Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and organizational culture: A key to understanding work experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 15 Keyton, J. (2010). Case studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 15 1.0 Introduction Listening plays a very vital role in the whole communication process. Most people make a mistake of focusing on their speaking ability while forgetting the fact that it doesn’t necessarily mean good speaking will amount to good communication. The ability to listen keenly and effectively is also equally important. Importance of listening is well illustrated in our day to day activitie s and the people we interact with. For effective communication, we have to hear what the other person is saying and it is not just hearing because the acoustics are good or because the other person is speaking in a loud tone, we have to hear because we have taken time to listen carefully. Listening is an art that require to be calculated carefully and consciously. Unfortunately most education systems beginning right from kindergarten to college do not pay attention to equipping learners with effective listening skills. Poor listening is a major barrier to effective communication. It often leads to loss of messages due to wrong interpretation. Therefore listening will require conscious efforts in interpreting sounds, grasping

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Uae Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Uae - Assignment Example A service industry comprises of various companies which basically earn income by providing intangible services and products. They are involved in transport, food services, retail, distribution and other service-dominated enterprises. At times, they are called tertiary sectors or service sectors. Strengths Economic strengths The steady oil prices in the country has boosted transport sector to highest levels. Most of the economy revenue comes from the oil industries. For the past few years, according to the country’s statistics, the world market has remained stable favoring service mobility. Transport industry has benefited most from this global market. As a result of this, non-oil sectors have been stimulated thus escalating the disposal revenue of the less performing segments of the entire population. Generally, the country produces up to 22 million barrels of crude oil for export daily. This boosts the country’s economy (Gorgenlnder, 2011). The country also has steady and convertible currency which is pegged to the US dollar with minimal foreign exchange controls. This facilitates easy movement of services from one part to the other. If the global financial crises arise, it has survival tactics to make it productive in the market. Furthermore, UAE has been known for very competitive labour costs and real estates. The country has experienced and readily available work force that provide cheap and quality labor. Most of the work is done by these locals thus low cost of productions. The country’s permissive policies and healthy balance of payments allow free trade movements within and without the country. This allows free flow of services/goods thus boosting the economy (Group, 2008). Geographical strengths The country is strategically located at the Middle East, with very easy contact to not only to Eastern and Middle Eastern markets, but also to South Asia, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and other markets in the Asian countries. This impl ies that there are ready markets for the manufactured goods and services. Furthermore, the country has well established ports that can access to main sea routes. Most of the trading countries use these ports for exit and entry in transacting businesses. This has made the country to be seen as a pacesetter and a regional leader for development. Commercial strengths According to Gorgenlnder (2011) and Group (2008), the country has open trade zones favorable for business start-ups. Most of the enterprising people can easily nature their talents and explore market opportunities easily. Interestingly, the country has no corporate and personal taxation. Any business start-up has no personal/corporate intimidation in form of taxes. More often than not, most businesses fail due to high taxation and unfavorable work environment. This favor has been extended to other countries; there is no taxation for information exchange. Infrastructural strengths UAE has sophisticated and ultramodern banki ng sectors that provide various services for its rich expatriate clientele. Most financial institutions are furnished with modern facilities which accommodate the needs of the clients. In fact, the banking sector has been privatized to enable quality delivery of services. Also, the country is equipped with IT infrastructure and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Respondeat Superior Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Respondeat Superior Paper - Assignment Example The significance of this doctrine is that it gives the injured party the chance to recover losses or damages incurred, by making the employer liable for all the injuries brought about by an employee’s actions, provided that this employee is operating within the scope of employment. In this case stated, the surgeon has a vicarious liability for the patient’s death. It is very determinable that the nurse-anesthetist’s action led to the death of the patient. It is the nurse-anesthetist who had administered anesthesia without paying close attention to the patient’s oxygen intake. The nurse-anesthetist’s negligence also caused her to fail to detect the vital signs of lack of oxygen, until the patient reached the precipice of a cardiac arrest. This alone gives a very strong ground for a Respondeat Superior case. Some of the Respondeat Superior lawsuits include death, injury, or incomplete treatment. Like this case, most Respondeat Superior cases stem from an unintentional and unforeseen failure to detect or carry out an action. It is beyond gainsay that both the surgeon and the nurse-anesthetist did not intend to harm the patient, but their unforeseen failure caused the patient’s death. It is also imperative to note that the nurse-anesthetist was acting as an employee in the line of duty. ... The import is that the deceased patient’s family, as well as the plaintiff, will easily prove that the nurse-anesthetist is an employee of the surgeon’s institution. Similarly, all the acts she had carried out were part of the treatment. The administration of anesthesia was done to prepare the patient for surgical intervention. This will greatly help the plaintiff prove that the nurse-anesthetist erred within the scope of employment. In another wavelength, noting that vicarious liability entails strict secondary responsibility is also important in understanding the surgeon’s liability for the nurse-anesthetist’s actions. This aspect of secondary liability is brought about by the surgeon being superior to the nurse-anesthetist. It is because of this hierarchical relation between the surgeon and the nurse-anesthetist that not only makes the nurse-anesthetist to prepare the patient for the surgeon’s work, but also makes the surgeon responsible for all the acts executed by his subordinate, the nurse-anesthetist. Again, Lewis and Gardner (2000) divulge that the conditions that describe vicarious liability are very wide, thereby giving the surgeon’s culpability a wider threshold. Particularly, vicarious liability in Respondeat Superior broadly imputes responsibility on any third party, provided that the third party possesses the authority and duty of control. The gravity behind this development is that even if the plaintiff may not in the court of law identify the very nurse-anesthetist; yet, by adducing the results of the investigations, the plaintiff will have rendered the surgeon fully liable. Since the results

Monday, October 14, 2019

History 17-a American history Essay Example for Free

History 17-a American history Essay Known as the American experiment in liberty and equality, the Civil War of America is supposed to be a major turning point in American history. Originated due to slavery, this war was first revoke from American citizens to acquire the right of liberty and equality. By the war, slavery was extinguished in America. Beginning of nineteenth century was much different from the eighteenth century; this was a revolutionary era in which industrialism was rising against agriculture, nationalization against state particularization and desire of freedom was heading against slavery. However, this moral idealism is not believed as an appropriate reason for the war. In accordance with some historians, it is also called as the war of power and economical affluence. It is said that South was economically abundant than the North. It was making good money in trade and commerce in comparison of North. North was not ready to accept this fact and this resulted as the Civil War. By the time of war, South occupied an area as large as Western Europe and ‘North’ has a strategic assignment to invade and conquer the southern confederation. In this war, southerners were fighting for independence, self-determination, self-government and preservation of life. Nevertheless, results of this war became the decision points for American history as the war grown the offspring of Nationality in Northerners. Southerners wanted to be separated from the American Union and Northerners were not is the support of that. In the battle against southerners, few incidents worked as the turning points of Civil War and American History as well. As instance, Northern Unions hold on Kentucky and Border States in considered as the first turning point of American civil war. This was of a great importance for Northerners. Even president of the nation, Abraham Lincoln said that ‘I can’t think of loosing Kentucky’, Kentucky was a southern state. Considered as the first modern war, the civil war of America made the nation, which is known as ‘United States of America’. During this war, Abraham Lincoln was mainly focused on Border States. He was not in favor of self-government in these states. Border States were extremely crucial for Northerners, as these states were physically separating Northern Union and Southern Confederacy. Bull Run is taken as another major defining moment in the history of Civil War. This was a land battle. This battle was full of anticipations and both sides were sure about their victory. However, Northerners managed to win this was a Herculean task for them and it was an end of southern hopes to set the self-government. Union capture on Mississippi, Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862 is also considered as the major turning point in Civil War. It was first significant victory of union. Victories in Battle of Anteitam and Battle of Gettysburg made unions to move more rapidly in the direction of uniting American states. A defeat of Confederacy in the Battle of Chattanooga is taken as one of the most prominent turning point of Civil War. In this war Union reduced Confederacy to the Atlantic coast. This opened the way for Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign. Two incidents that took place in 1864 are taken as the last nail in the coffin of southern confederacy’s desire of self-government, independence and self-determination. These two incidents were Union capture on Atlanta and reelection of Abraham Lincoln. Both incidents respectively took place in September 1864 and November 1864. Civil War: the First Modern War American Civil War is taken as the first modern warfare. Confronted with various viewpoints and issues, this war is marked as the well mobilized war of the modern age. In accordance with historians, it deserves to be the first modern war due to its two important reasons. First reason is its technological advancements and another is a great change in the logistics and tactics applied in the battlefield. Northern generals Ulysses S.  Grant and his sub-ordinates applied strategies those were far ahead from the war approaches applied by the time. The morality war of Northern Americans against Southerners also resulted in many mesmerizing innovations, those helped in nation moving at the forefront from rest of the world. Cannons, rapid fire guns, Gatling gun, telegraphs and aerial warfare are considered as some of the stirring innovations of Civil War period. The civil war also worked as the rapid fire in the growth of American economy. It is also said that this was the beginning of American supremacy. This war was the first war in which army was not involved in killing on one-to-one manner. It was entirely technical. Both Unions and Confederacy army troops were relying on technical weapons instead of traditional ones. This was the first time when air warfare and sea warfare modes were also used. This war was the first war when a strategy of destruction was used and it also boosted he idea of unconditional surrender in the battle-field. In this was Union troops used telescopes and air-balloons to locate the position of enemy. Civil War of American History is known as first war due to it’s a completely foreign planning in accord with the world of nineteenth century. Following reasons the major basis of knowing this was as the first modern war- Railroads: Invention of railroad played a very important role in supplying armies with food, bullets, and soldiers. These cars were armed with weaponry. Hospitals: This was the first time when hospitals were set in battle field. Women s uch as Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix worked in these hospitals to give medical treatments to inured soldiers. Nevertheless, by the time medical knowledge was not advanced as today and mortality rate of soldiers due to disease was greater than their death in battle field. This was the first time in the context of using dogs as armor. Photography and Telegraph- by the time ‘Photography’ and ‘Telegraphy’ science had been introduced. Army troops used the science of photography is taking pictures of enemy position and Telegraph helped them in sending urgent messages. This is considered as a boon created from the devastation of Civil War. Secret Service: Both sides employed highly structured spy service to gain knowledge of army movements. Women and slaves played major role in this. Personnel: Numbers of African Americans fought in the Civil War was not less, most of them participated in the war from the side of Union army. They often fought in regiments those were separated out regiments. This was the first time when they had an identity of soldiers other than slaves. An ambitious win for Abraham Lincoln, civil War was the first time when rights of equality were believed to be a reason of war.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Application of Matrices in Real-Life

Application of Matrices in Real-Life Application of matrix in daily life Matrices are used much more in daily life than people would have thought. In fact it is in front of us every day when going to work, at the university and even at home. Graphic software such as Adobe Photoshop on your personal computer uses matrices to process linear transformations to render images. A square matrix can represent a linear transformation of a geometric object. For example, in the Cartesian X-Y plane, the matrix reflects an object in the vertical Y axis. In a video game, this would render the upside-down mirror image of an assassin reflected in a pond of blood. If the video game has curved reflecting surfaces, such as a shiny metal shield, the matrix would be more complicated, to stretch or shrink the reflection. In physics related applications, matrices are used in the study of electrical circuits, quantum mechanics and optics. Engineers use matrices to model physical systems and perform accurate calculations needed for complex mechanics to work. Electronics networks, airplane and spacecraft, and in chemical engineering all require perfectly calibrated computations which are obtained from matrix transformations. In hospitals, medical imaging, CAT scans and MRIs, use matrices to operate. Whereas in programming which is taught at the university, matrices and inverse matrices are used for coding and encrypting messages. A message is made as a sequence of numbers in a binary format for communication and it follows code theory for solving. In robotics and automation, matrices are the basic components for the robot movements. The inputs for controlling robots are obtained based on the calculations from matrices and these are very accurate movements. Many IT companies also use matrices as data structures to track user information, perform search queries, and manage databases. In the world of information security, many systems are designed to work with matrices. Matrices are used in the compression of electronic information, for example in the storage of biometric data in the new Identity Card in Mauritius. In geology, matrices are used for making seismic surveys. They are used for plotting graphs, statistics and also to do scientific studies and research in almost different fields. Matrices are also used in representing the real world data’s like the population of people, infant mortality rate, etc. They are best representation methods for plotting surveys. In economics very large matrices are used for optimization of problems, for example in making the best use of assets, whether labour or capital, in the manufacturing of a product and managing very large supply chains. Application of Statistics in real-life problems. Statistics can be defined as a type of mathematical analysis which involves the method of collecting and analyzing data and then summing up the data into a numerical form for a given set of factual data or real world observations. In our daily life, we collect information which helps us in resolving questions regarding the world in which we live, that is statistics. One main example is weather forecast. These charts and information that you see on the television are obtained using statistics that compare last weather conditions with current weather to predict future weather. Whenever theres an election as the one coming in a few days in Mauritius, the press consult statistical surveys with the population when they try to predict the winner. Candidates use statistics to know for example that 20,000 of these voters will be between the age of 18 and 22, that is this will be their first election and thus try to focus their campaign more on benefits for these young adults. Statistics play a part in which your elected government will be consisted of. In industries and businesses it is crucial to be fast and accurate in decision making. They use statistics to know what customers want and therefore know what to produce and sell and in what quantities. Statistics helps to plan production according to the taste of the customers, the quality of the products or availability of materials. Good decisions can be made about the location of business, marketing of the products, financial resources etc†¦ Statistics are also used in agriculture to know what amount of crops is grown this year in comparison to previous years or what has been the demand for a certain crop during the past 5 years or quality and size of vegetables grown due to use of different fertilizers. Last Friday was the results day for the CPE exams in Mauritius and statistics were used to compare the different pass rates for girls compared to boys and how the whole pass rate have evolved during the past years. These statistics helps the government to determine whether the education system in the country needs to be modified or completely re-implemented. In medical studies scientists must show a statistically valid rate of efficacy before any drug can start to be prescribed in hospitals and pharmacies. Statistics are behind every medical study you hear about. For example an ongoing case, the Ebola virus. Statistics are used to determine the number of infected persons in different countries and these data helps to warn neighbouring countries about the risks they are exposed to. Application of Regression in real-life problems. Correlation and regression are largely used methods to look into the relationships between quantitative variables. A correlation looks at the validity of the relationship between variables and regression helps to determine the nature of the relationship, or how it behaves. This allows predictions to be made. These methods are very useful, but easily misused. Regressions can be used in business to evaluate trends and make estimates. For e.g. if a companys sales have increased rapidly every month for the past years, using a linear regression on the sales data with monthly sales on the y-axis and time on the x-axis would produce a line that illustrates the ascending trend in sales. After obtaining the trend line, the company could use the slope of the line to anticipate sales in future months. A company can use linear regression to determine the best sale price for a certain product bought by customers. This can be done by plotting a graph of price against quantity. The resulting line would denote how customers reduce their consumption of the product as the price increases. This could help in decision making of the prices of future products. Linear regression can be used in assessing risk. For e.g. a health insurance company shall plot number of claims per customer against age and by reading the graph deduce that older customers tend to make more health insurance claims. The results of such an analysis might lead to important business decisions made to account for risks. Application of Correlation in real-life problems. For e.g. a researcher suggested that taller people have higher self-esteem. After analyzing his data and coming up with an r-value of .08, he abandons his hypothesis because the two variables do not appear to be strongly related at all. Another area where correlation is used is in the study of intelligence where research has been carried out to test the strength of the relationship between the I.Q. levels of identical and non-identical twins. In medical studies, correlation is used widely and one e.g. is the study to test if glucose level is related to the age of a person. Correlation is mostly used in research studies. In schools for e.g. a use of correlation would be the study of how a student who has many absences has a decrease in grades or the more years of education you complete, the higher your earning potential will be. In the sports area correlation is used broadly by coaches to develop workout routines. Some common correlations are: the more time a person spends running on a treadmill, the more calories he will burn or the more you exercise your core muscles, the more stable your body gets.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Marriage In Japan :: essays research papers

Marriage in Japan Why people get married? There would be many reasons; to save money, to escape from loneliness, to have a better life, and so on. But in most case people marry for love. Though it is almost always true, a married life is different between in the western culture and in Japan. A marriage in modern western culture is based on mutuality and companionship. In Western there is a tendency to be independent. Most college graduates live apart from their family and find an apartment near the working place. They have learned how to  ¡Ã‚ °survive ¡Ã‚ ± in single and marriage is an optional. However, a person in Japan who graduates from a college and has a job still lives with one ¡Ã‚ ¯s family until one gets married, which means one keeps the parent-child relationship. Therefore it is hard for a Japanese man to learn to be independent. After he gets married, he now relies on his bride for having foods, doing laundry, and many other things. Takeo Doi explains it with the te rm of amae that means the seeking or causing of oneself to be loved, nurtured, and indulged. He says it is an active attempt to make oneself into a passive love object. One reason why a man continues depending on someone else is that he has been witnessed what his parents have been done and now he considers himself as a head of his own family. In case of woman, it is difficult to keep her job after the marriage, because she needs to take care of her child, which is considered to be a wife ¡Ã‚ ¯s job. She has to do everything else except making money for the family, which makes her dependent on her husband who has the economic power. However in western culture, it is natural for both partners to have their own jobs and to be responsible for every single household job after marriage. Until recently it has been true in Japan but now it is changing. More women have their jobs rather than prepare to be a bride after the graduate. They don ¡Ã‚ ¯t need to get married if they don ¡Ã‚ ¯t want to. It has also become common not to have many children and some couples don ¡Ã‚ ¯t have a child at all. A younger bride could decide to divorce her husband if she wants to because she has a chance to get an economic independence easily nowadays. Marriage In Japan :: essays research papers Marriage in Japan Why people get married? There would be many reasons; to save money, to escape from loneliness, to have a better life, and so on. But in most case people marry for love. Though it is almost always true, a married life is different between in the western culture and in Japan. A marriage in modern western culture is based on mutuality and companionship. In Western there is a tendency to be independent. Most college graduates live apart from their family and find an apartment near the working place. They have learned how to  ¡Ã‚ °survive ¡Ã‚ ± in single and marriage is an optional. However, a person in Japan who graduates from a college and has a job still lives with one ¡Ã‚ ¯s family until one gets married, which means one keeps the parent-child relationship. Therefore it is hard for a Japanese man to learn to be independent. After he gets married, he now relies on his bride for having foods, doing laundry, and many other things. Takeo Doi explains it with the te rm of amae that means the seeking or causing of oneself to be loved, nurtured, and indulged. He says it is an active attempt to make oneself into a passive love object. One reason why a man continues depending on someone else is that he has been witnessed what his parents have been done and now he considers himself as a head of his own family. In case of woman, it is difficult to keep her job after the marriage, because she needs to take care of her child, which is considered to be a wife ¡Ã‚ ¯s job. She has to do everything else except making money for the family, which makes her dependent on her husband who has the economic power. However in western culture, it is natural for both partners to have their own jobs and to be responsible for every single household job after marriage. Until recently it has been true in Japan but now it is changing. More women have their jobs rather than prepare to be a bride after the graduate. They don ¡Ã‚ ¯t need to get married if they don ¡Ã‚ ¯t want to. It has also become common not to have many children and some couples don ¡Ã‚ ¯t have a child at all. A younger bride could decide to divorce her husband if she wants to because she has a chance to get an economic independence easily nowadays.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Act Four of the Crucible Essay

How does Miller present John Proctor as a heroic figure in Act Four of ‘The Crucible’? Does the play have any relevance for us watching it today?  A hero is ‘a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great’ according to I also think a hero is a person who doesn’t necessarily have to be of a ‘pure’ soul, who has never done anything wrong. For example, in ‘The Crucible,’ a person like Rebecca Nurse who never did anything wrong wasn’t portrayed as a hero to us. We see John Proctor’s actions as more heroic and they are similar to Linford Christie’s actions (where he was accused for taking drugs and now acts as a senior mentor for athletes) which a modern audience watching it today would see as a comparable, if a less serious, situation. Miller presents Proctor as a heroic figure in Act Four of ‘The Crucible’ by John Proctor’s actions. These include John refusing to sign the document, which would save his life. However, at the same time it would mean he would lie and Proctor would rather die than sign a document, which condemned him to working with the devil. I feel this shows John as a hero because he has not only done something very brave by giving his life, which people will admire, but because he has struggled through and done the right thing which will ultimately lead to an end in the accusations of witchcraft in Salem. This part of the play deserves a lot of attention as it shows the greatest act of heroism in the play by Proctor. It also reflects the most relevance for an audience watching today, who would relate John’s example to their own lives. In the earlier acts of the play Miller shows John Proctor resisting temptation from Abigail. The reader sees this as heroic because we know that John has already had an affair and he doesn’t want to cheat again. The reader also knows that it is hard for John Proctor and when he does resist Abagail the reader sees this as a heroic action. The way other characters respond to John Proctor also shows us that John is a hero. Miller shows other characters, for example Mary Warren, respecting him. The first time Miller introduces John into the play we see how other characters respect his authority. ‘MARY WARREN leaps in fright.’ Mary was doing wrong and Proctor discovered her. The fact that we see her leaping in fright shows how she respects John’s authority. She admires him enough to feel ashamed of her wrong doing and a hero is someone who is admired by other people. In Act 4 Proctor knows he has made mistakes in the past and doesn’t think that people will see him as a hero if he is hung. ‘I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud.’ By John saying this it shows he is not arrogant. The audience see arrogance as an unheroic action. John Proctor says he refuses to testify because he detests authority. ‘It is hard to give a lie to dogs.’ Miller makes John refer to authority figures as dogs because they are hanging people for incorrect and false acusations. Proctor refuses to lie because he wants to stand up to a corrupt justice system. The audience sees this as a heroic action because he is prepared to sacrifice himself in order to abolish the justice system in the future. For John to give his life it is the biggest act of bravery a man can do and we see this bravery as a noble action. In this final act Miller suggests to us that John is performing actions with other people in mind rather than himself. If he confesses he wants to know if other people will be able to forgive him for lying. ‘What would you have me do?’ Proctor is thinking about confessing and he does not want Elizabeth, or any other person, to think badly about him for lying. This is because he is feeling guilty. This guilt shows human emotions and the audience sees this as something they can relate to in their everyday life, because John is a person like us. However, John leads by example and, although he is human, he is a role model who always tries to do the right thing even if it is difficult and may have consequences for him. An earlier example of this is John attempting to save Elizabeth in court by confessing his act of adultery. ‘I have known her, sir.’ This is what makes him heroic for the audience as he tries to do the right thing, for other people not just him, when it is sometimes difficult because of the resulting consequences. Another way in which we see John as heroic is because he physically tears up the confession slip. ‘PROCTOR tears the paper and crumples it.’ This action by Proctor is heroic because he is trying to correct his mistakes. Proctor isn’t perfect but he tries to make up for what he has done wrong in the past. Proctor doesn’t want to return to his old ways of doing wrong as he felt contrite and ashamed of his affair with Abigail. The audience admires his attempt to correct his wrong doing and in doing so Miller gains the audience’s respect for Proctor. Our admiration for Proctor makes us relate John to being a hero because by definition a hero is admired by other people because of their actions.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Criminal Justice: the Right Job for You

I am going to be talking about 3 key social issues contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners and providing examples for each issue. I will also be explaining the role of the criminal justice professional in serving individual and societal needs. Lastly I will explain how key social issues impact the role of the criminal justice professional and provide 2-3 examples to support my position. One key social issue contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners is prison crowding. Prison overcrowding is one of America's most serious criminal justice issues. The problem is because of insufficient jail and prison space, for which the solution is to build more jail and prison facilities. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Center on the States, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with one in 100 Americans under the supervision of the criminal justice system. Mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes are a key factor in the high rate of incarceration. Another key issue contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners is immigration. Immigration raises three significant, controversial issues in criminal justice. The first is the time and resources necessary to deport immigrants, whether they are documented or undocumented, and who have been convicted of crimes. The second is whether and to what extent local law enforcement resources should be used locating and removing undocumented immigrants. The third issue is the extent to which law enforcement emphasis should be on persons who transport and employ undocumented immigrants, rather than on the immigrants themselves. A major issue contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners is poverty. You can read also  Justice System Position Paper The severity of poverty often goes hand in hand with the amount of crimes committed. Money is often reinvested from the open market to the black market to bring about high yet risky return in urban areas. Risks such as these are even higher when this activity is controlled by violent mob-type organizations and gangs, whose existences are structured around capitalizing on the poverty of others. Realistic and reachable role models are far and few between, if any exist at all, which causes the children of those who live in these areas to look up to more unsavory figures who are living the high life through low living. While living in poverty some people resort to crime to support their habits (drugs and/or alcohol) and/or support their families. Because of this crime rates go up, the amount of people incarcerated goes up, and the tax dollars go up to keep the prisons and jails running. The role of criminal justice professionals in serving individual and societal needs is very broad. There are many positions in the criminal justice field in many different areas with different tasks and responsibilities. Criminal justice professionals spend a lot of time resolving conflicts and negotiating with various parties inside and outside their organizations. They handle complaints, settle disputes, and resolve grievances and conflicts, usually by negotiating with several parties. Sometimes they perform this task in conjunction with another one, evaluating information to determine compliance, which requires them to review relevant information and use their individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards. Criminal Justice professionals oversee safety, gather information and documentation, provide testimony, and they are expected to regularly provide information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates to support their positions. One key social issue that impacts the role of criminal justice professionals is requiring more correctional officers or detention officers due to overcrowding. Yet there are more inmates in jails and prisons and there are not enough correctional officers or detention officers to staff the prisons and jails. In return the staff are overworked with mandatory overtime and compensated with extra days off instead of overtime pay. Immigration is another key social issue that impacts the role of criminal justice professionals. There is a continuous battle about controlling the border of Mexico and how to control it. There is much violence at the border from illegal immigrants and drug cartels. Border Patrol Agents lives are put at risk every day trying to protect the border because of this violence. There are many social issues contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners and there always will be. The need will increase with time as will crime because of these social issues. There will always be a place in society for the criminal justice practitioner.

Easily Misunderstood Essay

How often have you found yourself talking to someone close to you, thinking the conversation is going along great when the other person reacts in an irritated manner? Or even an anxious manner? You think back to what you have said, reviewing your comments and nothing sticks out as being particularly bad. Well you have just experienced a misunderstanding. For many people, their communication skills with loved ones are not as strong as they think† (Anon. , 2011, p. 1). Communication is a two way street where both people need to be traveling the same direction. When one person gets off course or veers then we have a miscommunication. In the article entitled, â€Å"Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication† study co-author Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, explained, â€Å"Our problem in communicating with friends and spouses is that we have an illusion of insight. Getting close to someone appears to create the illusion of understanding more than actual understanding† (as cited in Anon. , 2011, p. 1). I had just such a miscommunication take place tonight. â€Å"As social animals, we want and need connections with other people† (Soles, 2011, p. 22). Tonight I experienced a miscommunication with my family. We were planning to get together as we usually try to do on Monday nights, due to misunderstanding and miscommunication on everyone’s part we did not end up getting together. I wanted that connection to my family. So alas I write this paper about that very miscommunication instead. Our first mistake was trying to organize it through texting and two different people trying to coordinate it at the same time. That never works. Secondly, my mom assumed no one was going to show up so she made other plans before waiting for any of us to answer back. The only plus to the experience is she did let us know in time so we didn’t head to her house and accidentally show up when her friend did too. To avoid this type of miscommunication in the future we could talk on the phone or email everyone at one time. Also clarify when one thinks the response is in the negative and not the affirmative. If one of us is questioning an answer as iffy then ask the sender to clarify their response and not assume it is an automatic no. These days with all the social media, texting, emailing, etc. I find miscommunications to be more prevalent and more abundant. Many of us have had our feelings hurt by a simple misunderstanding or misspelling when receiving an electronic message. In my example from tonight there were too many veering cars on our road to communicating though luckily no collisions. Had we just communicated more openly and honestly not assuming anything we could have avoided the misunderstandings and any potential hurt feelings. Communication is a two way street but you both have to be going the same direction or it leads to miscommunication.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The research paper on the Vietnam War Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The on the Vietnam War - Research Paper Example The chief objective of this paper, however, is to analyse this historic war in relation to Martin Luther King’s seminal anti-war sermon â€Å"A Time To Break Silence†. While many tend to view the war as one that was ‘revolutionary’, King sought to critique the very underlying principle of war. At every level, he expressed his solidarity for those members of the clergy and the laity who critiqued the war and were sympathetic to the Vietnamese civilians. Though King’s speech is a clear articulation affirming the value of human life and liberty, my analysis would attempt to both analyse and question his perspective regarding the Vietnam War. King’s views regarding the land reforms that Ho Chi Minh had carried out during his tenure have been contested and attested by various thinkers. This paper shall try to incorporate these views into the body of the work and provide a balanced argument. The paper shall also look at the position of the poor peas ants in Vietnam who bore the brunt of the war. The land reforms in Vietnam, initiated as a means of the communist revolution in the nation was directed at the distribution of land among the peasants of the society and the displacement of the elite of the village that existed before the revolution. Through these, a new class would arise that would enable the birth of a free and noble nation, one that would be egalitarian in its principles. King’s concern for the rise of such a nation is partially a result of the Christian perspective of egalitarianism that he adopts in his speech as David Bromwich argues. He goes on to locate the root of king’s concern as the need for viewing the people of Vietnam as brothers, in an explicitly Christian manner, without the arrogance of the western man that king argues was responsible for the attitude of the people who wanted to recolonize Vietnam, namely the French and the Americans (Bromwich). This causes him to however, take up a stan ce that is heavily in favor of the Ho Chi Minh administration. In an effort to assert the importance of the Christian point of view, King belittles the importance of the forces of nationalism that were instrumental even in the resistance that the Vietnamese peasants offered to the occupying forces. King, in his speech gives a dominant position to religion. Even this position is not free of its own political implications. King imposes his beliefs while talking of a population that is hardly Christian in its beliefs. Even though King refers to a quotation by the Buddhist leaders of Vietnam, the passage that he chooses to include is one that has no religious overtones. Each day the war goes on the hatred increases in the heart of the Vietnamese and in the hearts of those of humanitarian instinct. The Americans are forcing even their friends into becoming their enemies. It is curious that the Americans, who calculate so carefully on the possibilities of military victory, do not realize that in the process they are incurring deep psychological and political defeat. The image of America will never again be the image of revolution, freedom, and democracy, but the image of violence and militarism. (King) This is characteristic even of the earlier proponents of colonization, whose methods and ideologies

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Culturally relevant teaching in the American educational system Assignment

Culturally relevant teaching in the American educational system - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the documentary Beyond the Bricks offers a very candid snapshot of the systemic failures of the American educational system in regards to relating to African American students. In retrospect over fifteen years ago a literary work The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children† highlighted a similar set of circumstances and proposed systemic changes that could be made to the educational system to better relate and teach African American children.   Beyond the Bricks was released in early 2009; it focused on the goal of promoting solutions for a critical problem in American schools: the consistently low performance of African†American boys in the public education system. The documentary chronicles two African† American students Shaquiel and Erick as they struggle to succeed in the Newark, NJ public school system.   Unlike, other film portrayals of Black youth which introduce a philosophy grounded in the negative imagery associated with ‘blackness and maleness’ in America, Beyond the Bricks offers a view of the Psycho-social trappings of the stereotyping within the system and its ultimate failings.   Though the film focuses primarily on Shaquiel and Erick, the issues addressed extend universally throughout all African American communities. Beyond the statistics are the real stories of students like Shaquiel and Erick who must fight the indifference of the system to build a better future for themselves.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Managing integrated global supply chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing integrated global supply chain - Essay Example Rolland's organization is bed-ridden with chaos as evinced by the unending stack of problems engulfing it.It is quite natural a reaction if a global retailing giant like Wal-Mart revises its opinion on including them in their preferred list of suppliersIt is a leading company after all, being consistently awarded Best Practices recognition comes from a rigorous adherence to the highest standards in the industry, and all suppliers must conform to their minimum expectations, if they wish to thrive in business. Just selling a final good product isn't enough; professional customers tend to visualize their deals as a permanent establishment of sustainable partnerships, and viable networks which, if not fulfilled, can cause tremendous loss in value and image acquired from years of consistent value delivery to 100% satisfied customers.A look into Wal-Mart's existing supplier chain can help clarify the fundamentals of their clear-cut expectations from the supplier base; from the lowest margi n of error to the highest significance attached to quality,it relentlessly pursues a zero-tolerance policy towards non-compliance, and swiftly punishes unaccountable suppliers with heavy fines, indemnities or even termination of contract.It brooks no controversies related to violation of its basic ethical policies, as specified in its supplier standard code which specifies norms on issues like child labour, medical hazards in the workplace, discrimination on any grounds, and lack of concern for the environment. Rolland's will have to walk the talk when it comes to developing as it ambitiously likes to call itself, a "world-class manufacturer." Clearly, the entire house has to be set in order for justifying the use of such a behemoth expression to qualify its present shortcomings. The key themes that must grab the management's attention are discussed here under: Lean manufacturing Lean manufacturing is an established philosophy developed originally in Japan, that seeks to eliminate the production of 7 wastes: overproduction, waiting time, transportation time, processing time, inventory, motion and scrap (wikipedia). This invariably leads to improvement in quality and reduction of manufacturing cost. How is this approach going to benefit Rolland's The case study mentions several instances which clearly project that chaos reigns supreme in the day-to-day operations over there. Huge amounts of Work-in-progress (W.I.P.) and unsold inventory forever keep the employees on their toes, always being chased as last-minute orders; the turnout of events spiraling into a big mess on the shop floor ultimately, all this leads to an undesirable rate of rejection, even at the cost of employee overtime. Rolland's can adopt the methodology of lean production in a phased-manner. It might want to do away with existing orders first before taking up fresh work. But, this time in between the intervals, it must undergo a process overhaul through extensive discussions and brainstorming sessions between the factory manager, the line and supervisory staff, and the workers. Defect areas must be clearly identified and holes be plugged in proper through innovative solutions. For example, there's a reference in case study regarding the manner in which material is handled; the finished goods' section also doubles as incoming-materials department. Clearly, such malpractices must not be allowed to continue at any cost.